Bruce Morrison
Kevin Klatt
Deputy Chief of Operations
Bruce helped create the foundation the SEWFD is built on. He became Chief in 2005 and has helped shape and guide the organization into a first-class Fire Department. Bruce also guides the Executive Team in their duties.
Kevin has been a committed member for the past 15 years. His drive to further the training and skills of the members has been vital to the teams camaraderie and safety. Kevin goes above and beyond for the department and his community.
Clayton Blaney
Assistant Deputy Chief of Operations
Harold Podolchuk
Clayton has over 14 years experience with the Department. He has enjoyed stepping into a leadership role as an Officer. Clayton loves the ability to bring a crew together and appreciates the camaraderie that is the SEWFD.
Born and raised in the South East Whiteshell, Harold has been a long standing member of the Department for more than 25 years. Harold’s knowledge of the area, along with his vast fire experience is an asset in his duty to protect park patrons.
Erik Goodman
Brett Haiko
Cole Andersen
Chris Benson
Calvin Bueckert
Connor Dutko
Ben Hadaller
Keith Henwood
Cam McLachlan
Ian Speirs
Kelly Stirling
Gerry Desjardins
Mark Franklin
Brett Kalid
Grant Mason
Troy Morrison
Thor Sigmar
Neil Speirs
Lionel St. Godard
Cody Southam
Andrew Webb
Missing: Kalli Dutko
Bruce Morrison (Chief)
Kevin Klatt (Deputy Chief of Operations)
Clayton Blaney (Assistant Deputy Chief of Operations)
Rick Hearn (Deputy Chief of Administration)
Jeff Meyer (Treasurer)
Amanda Doerksen (Secretary)
Chris Nickol & Gayle Nickol (Corporate Affairs)
– (Sales & Marketing)
Jocelyn Barnard, Warren Barnard, and Ray Newman (Members at Large)